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  • Writer's pictureClare Bay

Lockdown, Isolation and Mental Health

We are all innately wired to connect and bond. With the natural world and with others. While those who live in the countryside may be gaining a deeper connection with nature due to being forced outside; those in cities, or who are shielding may be losing that connection even more than ever. As for connecting authentically with others, we are all being starved of that inbuilt need. The result when we are not able to bond with other people in a fulfilling way is that we find other things to bond with. This could be drink, technology, OCD behaviours, food, smart phones, porn, drugs etc... It is no wonder that alcoholism has seen a huge rise.

We are tricked into thinking that we are the most connected that we have ever been in society due to social media and technological communication. However we have traded face to face, nuanced, real relationships and connections for loneliness and isolation. 2020 has forced us into this way of life even more so. We are drawn to watching other people's lives on reality TV, Social Media and Gaming with others which all points to our social need to connect without actually meeting the need; leaving us wanting more and building addictions.

More and more young people are coming to me with high anxiety levels and OCD (repetitive thoughts/actions). This is not surprising considering the climate we are in. Society is in a sense of overwhelm. We are being flooded with messages of Fear and Uncertainty. One obvious way to combat this is to put protective mechanisms in place to control this 'out of control' feeling. Particularly for those of us who are more sensitive and attuned to our environment, a way has to be found to restore some balance in our nervous systems. I hope to be able to help people to find healthier ways to find this balance. To become more aware of how behaviours are often just an unconscious way of trying to gain back some control.

Everyone will have different ways to self soothe. It could be exercise, bubble baths, warm cups of tea, candles, aromatherapy, pets, fresh air, meditation, creativity.. find what works for you and make it ritualistic as you regularly check in with your body, mind and spirit and become more aware of how 'in balance' and 'connected' you feel. If something is taking hold in an addictive manner in your life, it is a good sign that you are finding those 'bonds' elsewhere.

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